19/12/202427/12/2024 Kensy Finance, Partners, Technology New EU Project ICO₂NIC to Transform Industrial CO₂ Waste into Valuable Feedstock Continue reading “New EU Project ICO₂NIC to Transform Industrial CO₂ Waste into Valuable Feedstock” →
16/07/202416/07/2024 Kensy Awards, Finance b.fab selected to join prestigious world-leading aquaculture accelerator, CREST by Hatch Blue Continue reading “b.fab selected to join prestigious world-leading aquaculture accelerator, CREST by Hatch Blue” →
09/03/202013/03/2020 Kensy Finance, News, Research b.fab receives funding from BMBF for CO2 utilization in biopolymers Continue reading “b.fab receives funding from BMBF for CO2 utilization in biopolymers” →
22/02/201820/02/2024 Kensy Finance Foundation of b.fab GmbH in Dortmund Continue reading “Foundation of b.fab GmbH in Dortmund” →